The Wine Health Center is located in Bebedo Township, Nhamatanda district, with about 10,682 inhabitants, distributed in 5 Communities with 4 employees that provide health services at the doors of SMI, Maternity and General Medicine Consultation.
During the Quality Service Monitoring exercise, in particular in the phase of gathering evidence using the Community Scorecard (CPC), the CS de Vinho was identified as one of the CS with problems in the provision of quality services to the users, specifically for the FP services, and the local community preferred to go to the CS of Mutondo (which is approximately 10 km away) in search of better services, since it was not satisfied with the services rendered at CS de Vinho.
After several community meetings, the last meeting (Interface) was held between community representatives, community authorities and health providers, with the administrative authorities. At this meeting, several aspects related to the quality of FP health services in the health unit were discussed and the priorities of each area were harmonized, culminating in the elaboration of an action plan to materialize the concerns presented by the communities as well as the providers of Cheers.
At the follow-up and monitoring stage of the agreed priorities, it was possible to verify the improvement of most of the issues raised during the evaluation, and were witnessed by the community during a devolution meeting and supported by the district health authorities that recognize the importance of CPC in improvement of the quality of services provided by the health unit. thus, the highlighted and witnessed aspects are:
• There have already been changes in Maternity care. The nurse is more present and, when she is absent, another nurse is indicated to attend to the parturients. On the other hand, midwives no longer deliver, they only support the nurse.
• The community complained about prescription of over-the-counter medications. SDSMAS have already allocated revenue blocks and technicians are passing revenue to users.
• The community complained about the technicians' constant absence from work hours. At the moment, the technicians are still in the working hours and reduced the exits in the working hours.
• In the CS of Wine, the Management Committee (GCC) was not in operation. The same has been revitalized which ensures the monitoring and maintenance of priorities. At this moment, the GCC activities and meetings with the US are in the process of being scheduled.
In this way, the CPC brought a different dynamic to the level of this health unit, having improved the interaction and joint work between providers and the local community, as well as increased demand for services, abandoning the practice of traveling to the CS of Mutondo in search of of the best services.