Training of the Vale a Pena Project team

In order to provide knowledge, skills and techniques of methodology for community dialogues and the flow of data generation, from 20-24 March 2020, N'weti trained 8 Community Assistants, 8 Promoters and a Technical Support Officer within the scope Vale a Pena Project (VaP), a social marketing initiative and offering quality contraceptive services for teenagers and young people, implemented by a consortium formed by PSI (as leader of the consortium), N'weti and Tuya Consulting with financial support from DFID, in the following districts: Chonguene, Manjacaze, Chibuto and Limpopo in the province of Gaza and Mongicoal, Mogovolas, Larde, Lalaua, Murrupula, Melema, Mecuburi and Meconta in the province of Nampula.

The implementation of this project is based on the Human Centered Design (HCD) approach, which allows a better understanding of the socio-cultural context and the barriers that adolescent and young girls face when seeking FP services. Based on these learnings, the project uses customized strategies and solutions that become catalytic models for creating an environment that contributes to social and behavioral change in the demand and provision of contraception services targeted at adolescents and young people in Mozambique.

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