The health policy monitoring and advocacy actions implemented by N'weti, with a local and national focus, aim to facilitate the creation of a favorable political and legal environment through a deliberate process of monitoring health and policy logic. The logic of intervention assumes that changes can only occur with organized citizen monitoring and pressure as a way of influencing the design, implementation, and / or changes in practice and public policy , with a view to improving the political and social environment, and better provision of public health services. Thus, using the different processes of monitoring the quality of services as evidence generators for advocacy, N'weti intends to work at two levels:
- At the local level - empowering citizens and civil society at local level so that, based on
- Level Macro - Influence health policies by systematizing the evidence gathered at the local level and brought to the different spaces of dialogue and health. political influence at the national level.
Advocacy at the local level looks at the problems raised in the processes of monitoring the quality of services at different sites, the priorities agreed between the community and the health service providers, and aims to influence the resolution and / or reach at different decision levels (district and province). In this context, the approach is to train Civil Society organizations as well as platforms on SRH and Advocacy issues, so that they will be able to lead (together with health providers) the processes of advocacy and influence, at these levels, for the resolution of problems identified.
The themes for advocacy will thus be defined based on the results of each of the cycles of monitoring the quality of services performed in the health unit. Macro-level advocacy, more of a central nature, looks at the influence of macro policies at the level of sector, and campaigns are informed by the consistency and / or relevance, in terms of priority, of the policy issue to be addressed and is leveraged and led by N'weti and its network of alliances.[:]