The Global Alliance for Vaccination (GAVI) is strongly reputed amongst health partners. Between 2000 and 2019 the mechanism spent US$ 260 million in Mozambique, being the largest donor for immunization with a package of US$ 29 million per year. The funding is adequately integrated on-CUT (Single Treasury Account) and on-Budget, following the national cycle of planning and budget and well owned by the Ministry of Health (MoH). With the COVID-19 experience, GAVI proved to be central in co-leading the access of vaccines for all population.
Therefore, the financing mechanism can improve benefiting from the ongoing process of decentralization of the health sector, including reduction in the procedures and bureaucracy. One crucial aspect to be considered by GAVI is the engagement with Civil Society Organizations, capitalizing the experience provided by the Global Fund, with its Country’s Coordination Mechanism; and the Global Financing Facility, with the Joint Learning Agenda. CSOs can be an important partner in monitoring the vaccination campaigns and providing promptly feedback of community needs for planning purposes. Read more...
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