Since 2021, N’weti has implemented the Kusingata project, in Jangamo, Massinga and Morrumbene districts of Inhambane province, to enable children and mothers living with HIV and/or affected by HIV to live healthy lives in which they can reach their full potential. Kusingata means ”community support”. The project is centered around strengthening the community structures that provide support for HIV-testing services, linkage to care and treatment, and long-term retention in care. These community structures include community health workers, community groups and leadership. The Kusingata project is supported by Aidsfonds and ViiV Healthcare.
Kusingata implements a comprehensive package of interventions to ensure that individuals and families receive multiple services that are adjusted to their needs and reinforce the same messages. The interventions work at several levels, to support the individuals and their families in a holistic way. Family and community support are mobilised, and the project works in collaboration with the health system to promote, provide and improve services at health facilities and communities, including HIV testing, and treatment and retention support. In addition, the project strengthens the economic opportunities of pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV, and families of children living with or exposed to HIV.
This results brief describes the interventions, results, and best practices of the Kusingata project between 2021-2023. It is only available in English. Read more...