Together for stronger health systems

Together for stronger health systems is a comparative analysis realized using the evidence produced by N’weti, Cordaid and Wemos. This policy brief analyzes and compares coordination and alignment of three global financing mechanisms, namely Global Fund, GAVI and Global Financing Facility in Mozambique, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The analysis focus on health financing (specifically on policy and regulatory alignment, domestic resources mobilization, public financial management, results and performance-based financing, and blended financing); human resources for health; health data and information systems; supply chain management; and community engagement and local inclusion, including gender equity. Some of the recommendations propose longer funding cycles that can be predictable, with equitable distribution of human resources in marginalized areas, consideration of data sharing agreements and investment in technology infrastructure, development of local production of vaccines and other health products, supporting national platforms for civil society engagement and increasing funding for participation, harmonizing gender policies and promoting gender responsive health systems. Read more...

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