This policy note, Global External Financing Mechanisms of the Health Sector in Mozambique - case studies, institutional, financial and political-economic considerations, concludes a series of publications on four financing mechanisms, namely the Commun Fund - PROSAÚDE, the Global Financing Facility (GFF), the Global Fund and GAVI. Each of these sources of funding was subjected to a detailed analysis, the results of which were presented in the report entitled Global External Financing Mechanisms of the Health Sector in Mozambique - overview, case studies and analysis of institutional, financial and political-economic issues. The conclusions of this report, which have now been translated into this policy note, include the fact that although PROSAÚDE enjoys strong sympathy in the sector, given its history as it began with the emergence of SWAp in the country, new winds in the dynamics of financing mean that it is necessary to adapt and even change its approach. In this sense, the GFF has been a major catalyst for some innovations, especially the shift in focus from the input-based approach to one based on results. Everything indicates that the new mechanism could emerge by capitalizing on the best of both. The Global Fund, on the other hand, represents another mechanism with relevant experience when it comes to aligning with national planning and budgeting systems, and can, above all, add value to the financing architecture through its experience of engaging with civil society and performance-based financing. Finally, GAVI, after its excellent performance in the COVID-19 period, also has a say in reducing transaction costs and strengthening ownership by the MoH. Individually, each financing mechanism presents challenges whose consideration and treatment would bring benefits from the point of view of predictability in the disbursement of funds, efficiency and increased levels of execution, strengthening of health systems and citizen participation through civil society.
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