End Child Marriage- UNICEF

Project: SBC Approach to End Child Marriage - UNICEF

N'weti is implementing the program, based on UNICEF recommendations and lessons learned from previous interventions; addressing several challenges encountered: lack of knowledge of the law penalizing CM and GBV, of community resources/whistleblower mechanisms including CCPs, CLCs; and use of customary law.

The project is aligned with the Global Programme to End Child Marriage (GPECM) and the Spotlight Initiative to accelerate prevention and response to SGBV and early marriage for adolescent girls and young women (ages 10-20+) in Mozambique.

Objectives: The project aims to create an enabling environment to accelerate prevention and response to SGBV and early marriage for adolescent girls and young women (10 to 24 years old) in Mozambique.

Target Group:
Adolescent girls and boys aged 10 to 18 years (in and out of school);
Adults: parents of adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18
Community and religious leaders; and other influential stakeholders (such as traditional birth attendants, initiation rites godmothers, CCPCs, CLCs).

Implementation areas: Mozambique (Communities and primary and secondary schools)
Gaza (Chicualacuala, Chongoene and Xaí -xaí);
Manica (Gondola, Mossurize and Tambara);

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