The PIN is implemented by the Ministry of Health with support from the World Bank and aims to expand access and coverage of services and improve the quality of nutrition interventions offered in communities and Health Units (HSUs), targeting children under two years of age.
N'weti is the selected organization to operationalize the Package of Nutrition Interventions and Improve Reporting Mechanisms and Data Quality from Community to SISMA" and has been selected to provide consultancy services for operationalizing the Package of Nutrition Interventions (NIP) and improving reporting mechanisms and data qualities.
PIN - Package of Nutrition interventions, based on the provision of 7 interventions that make up the PIN:
1 -Hygiene and sanitation counselling;
2- Exclusive breastfeeding counseling from 0-6 months;
3- Counseling on complementary feeding and timely consumption of MNP;
4- Growth monitoring through Weight for Age and brachial perimeter measurement;
5- Vitamin A supplementation
6- Supplementation with Micronutrient Powder (MNPs); and
7- Deworming.
It is implemented at the community level with support from the EPAs and Volunteers. The community meetings are held monthly at places called nutrition sites.
Project/Programme Objective
We have as the main objective of the intervention: To support in the provision of quality services for the outreach of children from 0 to 24 months with the NIP, achieving compliance with the quality standard in 95% of the nutrition sites in the 8 provinces.
And, as specific:
Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to implement the NIP through technical training and monitoring of community stakeholders in the 8 target provinces, improving the functioning of nutrition sites;
Increase access to quality nutrition services and products at community and health facility level through nutrition sites and through further expansion of the NIP to new districts and consequent increased coverage of children aged 0-23 months.
Improve data quality and community reporting mechanisms to SISMA, supporting the management and quality of child coverage data with the PIN package.
Target Group - Children aged 0-24 months
Target Area (National, Provincial, District) - Coverage
8 Provinces (Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Nampula, Tete, Sofala, Zambézia, Manica and Inhambane)