Formative Research

This report presents the results of the Formative Survey entitled "Exploring Individual and Sociocultural Obstructions Influencing the Demand for TB Services in Three Provinces of Mozambique". The aim of the study was to explore and identify the factors underlying the sociocultural and individual aspects that influence the search for diagnostic services and treatment of TB among health professionals, elementary polyvalent agents, community health agents, TB patients, community members and their community leaders with the purpose of generating information that will serve as a basis for guiding the design of a communication strategy and interventions for social and behavioral change.

The data for the present study were collected in urban and rural contexts of the provinces of Maputo (Namaacha and Magude), Tete (City of Tete and Moatize) and Nampula (City of Nampula and Angoche) thus covering the regional diversity of the South, Center and North of the country also characterized by its socio-cultural variety. The study followed an approach that combined qualitative techniques, namely semi-structured interviews conducted among community leaders, TB patients, APEs, ACSs and health professionals, and the holding of Focal Discussion Groups with community members and miners and direct observation. Additionally, secondary data such as reports from the three Provincial Health Offices as well as from the National Tuberculosis Control Program of the Ministry of Health and other relevant material were analyzed.

In Mozambique, the number of TB cases diagnosed and treated continues to grow. From 2007 to 2011, there was a growth of 20% (from 38,044 cases in 2007 to 47, 301 in 2011) in the number of TB cases (MISAU, 2010). Several efforts have been made to ensure early diagnosis of TB. These efforts include a consistent increase in the availability of free services for the diagnosis and treatment of TB in the country. This strategy involves expanding the laboratory network and decentralizing care to more peripheral levels.

As a result of these efforts, there are successful interventions in the communities. These interventions are implemented with the involvement of various actors, namely Community Health Agents (ACS), NGOs, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and PMT.

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